Monday, April 6, 2009

Saving The Forest

We can all do our part when it comes to buying wooden furniture by making a conscience decision to purchase from a producer that harvest with stringent conservation in mind. Wether its using "Old Forest"(wood lying on the forest floor) or Rejuvenating new Forest(planting new trees) or Thinning Young Forest(trimming undergrowth)!
Can you believe there is a company that does all three?
Go to Redwood Forest and learn how your dollars spent on wooden furniture will help save California Redwood forests! You will enjoy telling your friends the history of your furniture and leave an heirloom to your children and generations to come. Please help save our Forests.

1 comment:

  1. I Love the way they use a combination of old and new redwood to reduce cutting Forest. They also donated a portion to save Pet Shelters across America. You guys Rock!
